The program’s educational objectives are:
1. to produce knowledgeable, highly skilled, versatile and competitive professionals in the field of information security as catalysts for research, development and innovation to fulfil the current market demand.
2. to produce professional human capital that are sensitive to the ever-changing information security environment demands and skilful in solving problems creatively, innovatively and ethically.
3. to build professional cooperative networks with organizations as well as local and global communities in handling information security issues and problems
Master of Information Security
Master of Information Security program offers an opportunity for advanced studies and career development in the field of information security.
3 years full-time
$11,300 (CA) $15,800 (INT)
Course Summary
Course Content
A. Core Modules (compulsory)
1. Research Methods in Computer Science
2. Cyber Law and Ethics
3. Security in Computing
4. Information Security Management
5. Penetration Testing
6. Internet Security and Cloud Computing
7. Cryptography and Security Protocol
8. Computer Forensic and Investigation
9. Seminar in Computer Science
B. Project paper
1. Project
C. Field Electives (choose 2)
1. Software Security
2. Trusted Computing
3. Steganography
4. Intrusion Detection System
5. Advanced Cryptography
6. Cryptanalysis