Our course will give you a broad understanding of economics, international political systems, and international law while enabling you to carefully consider the ever-evolving international context for maximum relevance. You’ll learn the different international legal, political, and economic perspectives to enhance your critical and analytical ability, and develop your policy analysis skills. You’ll also get plenty of support from teaching staff who are actively engaged in research on human rights, gender, and environmental issues. Many of our academics have used their research to influence on-going policy processes, including the United Nations international frameworks. As a politics, economics and law undergraduate, you’ll be part of one of the most culturally and socially diverse universities in the CA, with plenty of opportunities for experiential learning and career development through staff and student led activities. Our course opens career opportunities at embassies, the Foreign Office, diplomatic missions, and human rights advocacy centres. Our course will not only enhance your critical and analytical skills, but will also give you the opportunity to develop specialist in-depth knowledge of an international policy of interest to you. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn through working in the field with internships, job placements and work experience in diplomatic missions, embassies, the Foreign Office, and human rights advocacy centres. Our personalised approach gives you the support you need to succeed as a student. While you are an undergraduate or foundation year student, you’ll have a Personal Tutor directly related to your course. If you need support with academic writing, numeracy and library skills, we’ll be sure to provide it. Our Student Learning and Graduate Academic Assistants have studied your subject and can support you based on their own experience. Our course opens up a wide range of career opportunities in politics, economics and law. We’ll also support you to secure part-time work, work experience placements, internships, and volunteering opportunities – and our enterprise support will even help you start your own business.
International Politics, Economics and Law BA Honours
Focusing on international political systems and law, this course will interest those who care about human rights and development from legal, political and economic perspectives.
Course Summary
Course Content
This programme is made up of year-long 30 credit taught modules, with a strong emphasis on undertaking an internship or work placement in Year 2 or 3. You will study a combination of the three disciplines within an international framework and a specific focus on the developing world. You will focus on human rights, as understood from the legal, political and social science perspectives, and key cross-cutting themes include gender and environmental change. Your study during the first two years will provide the basis to develop in-depth knowledge of a specialist area in the final year through your choice of options and an independent study undertaken during the final year core module. During the three years of study, you will develop your ability to reflect upon and evaluate the principles, values and ideologies underlying perspectives on politics, law and economics. You will be able to locate and critically evaluate different sources of information and analyse and synthesise this information to construct evidenced arguments. You will present clear and convincing arguments through your written work and through oral presentations and have the expertise and skills to study, in-depth, a particular topic of interest, evaluate the existing policy frameworks related to this topic and provide recommendations for improvement.