Student Services

Student Services is here to help you make the most of your time at the University. We provide high quality services that support you, enhance your learning experience and are responsive to your changing needs.

We are a central point of information and advice for students, and we aim to help you with your query as efficiently as possible through a regular drop-in service called ‘The Student Help Zone’ Student Help Zone Advisers are able to provide you with initial advice and guidance through a range of methods: face-to-face, telephone, online chat and e-query, for issues relating to health and wellbeing, money matters, job prospects, child care and international student issues with visas and immigration.

Careers and job prospects

Want advice on applying for jobs? Starting to plan your career? Need a part-time job while you study? Interested in mentoring a new student or want to be mentored by a business professional? Don’t know what to do with your degree when you leave university? Go to Careers and job prospects.

Finance and money matters

Short of cash? Has your student loan been delayed? Are you sure you’re getting all the funding you’re entitled to? Need money management advice? Go to Finance and money matters.

Health and wellbeing

Want to know where you can register with a local doctor? Think you might be dyslexic but don’t know what to do? Feeling low and stressed out? Want to meet others who share your faith? Go to Health and wellbeing.

Visas and immigration

Is your visa about to expire? Finding it difficult to settle into life in the Canada? Want to know if you are entitled to work in the Canada? Go to Visas and immigration. 

Book yourself onto a forthcoming event

We offer a full programme of events and workshops from recruitment fairs to post-study visa workshops. Access forthcoming events to see what’s happening and to book your place. We also offer a range of chatroom events throughout the year offering you the opportunity to talk online to a range of experts, advisers, counsellors and employers.

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